Add your books to the library

Share ~ Rent ~ Sell ~ Donate

You are a avid book reader and have large collection of books at your home? Why not share them with people living near you?

Have multiple books to add to the library? You can send their book cover photos with prices on WhatsApp  or  email us at

Lend your books

You can’t imagine parting with your books permanently. You can rent them out to others for a specific period of time, and then you will be able to get your books back in their original condition.

Sell your books

Too many books  at home. You want to buy new but are running out of space, you can put your books for selling here.

Donate your books

You have kids at home, and textbooks pile up year after year. You can donate them to underprivileged children. You’ll receive requests from NGOs to take your books and donate them to the needy once you put them up for donation.